Saturday, December 29, 2007

Tradition, You Say????

If you know me at all, you know that tradition patterns my life....I love keeping traditions...and the Taylor family has many. We once started to list all of them, and it was really cool to see how many wonderful traditions we hold........

One of my favorites is The Annual Ladies Luncheon and Ornament Exchange with the women that work at our parent company, Hinds Instruments. I am the only female employee at Columbia Weather, so I get to plan and coordinate the drawing of the names for the exchange, and make arrangements with the Tea Room for the luncheon.
If you step into Judy's Parlor very often, this may be dejai-vu all over again....last year at this time, Miss Five posted pictures from the luncheon, and it is very difficult for me to believe that a year has come and gone since then............the ladies are the same, the Tea Room is the same, the HATS are even the same.......the only difference is the ornaments we exchanged.
This group of ladies have excellent taste, and the gifts are always wonderful.......and this year was no exception. By now, we are familiar with each others collections and styles, so we generally receive an ornament that we truly will enjoy....especially for me this year...I received a really lovely snowman to add to my collection........
Have you seen my collection, by the way? It's bigger than my Santa Claus collection by only a bit....
The best part is that everyone always thanks me for "Putting the luncheon together," but all I do is make the reservation, hold the drawing for "who give to whom" and make sure they all remember to wear a special hat! That's all I do....traditionally....