Saturday, June 28, 2008

It's not that I haven't had anything to write about....

I haven't posted in over 2 months....which is pretty bizarre considering that some of the biggest changes in my entire life have occurred during this time. Weird, isn't it? You would have thought I would be posting every night......nearly every day has been newsworthy....and I mean really BIG newsworthy.....but last night I was given a gift by a sweet young lady we touched me so much, my first thought was to share it....and I realized that I better start posting again before I forget all the wonderful things and feelings and happenings of late....I guess I just needed a little push to start, thanks, Jordin!


Granelda Thudpucker said...

Glad you are back to posting!!! Post a picture of your gift.

Mrs. Doctor said...

It's about time! :)