Sunday, April 20, 2008

What's in a Name?

My niece, Mrs. Doctor, is expecting a baby....her fourth child.
All the children have great names...that begin with the letter "B." From the sound of things, they are serioulsy mulling over names that do not start with B for this new junior boy....but I have a suggestion...

Burton Ernest Stringham

Whaddya think????? Shall we take a vote? We all know how important names are.....and these days even spelling is a key feature of a name......especially middle names! I'm thinking if we all pick out a great "B" name, they'll just HAVE to go with it...right??


Granelda Thudpucker said...

I like the name they picked but I won't be surprised if he ends up with a nickname that starts with a "B". You know like Buddy.

Mrs. Doctor said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! Well, we have some great B names suggested to choose from. Let's see...there's Bconrad, Burton, Beauregard, Bartholomew. They are all very tempting. :) Dude is still hoping for Megaman.

Mrs. Doctor said...

Oh, and one more, (Doctor likes this one by the way), Brew. I heard that one was your idea too!