Monday, January 28, 2008

President Hinckley

Last night we got a call from a good friend whose daughter is at BYU letting us know that President Hinckley had passed away...I was surprised, but certainly not is by the grace of God, I am convinced, that he remained a vigorous, active man nearly 100 years...and while I am saddened at our loss, I am immediately comforted that he is reunited with his dear wife, and that his final days were not prolonged suffering in his mortal body...I would like to think that his deep respect and love for his family and his heritage sweetened the joy as he joined with all his family...and friends....perhaps President Faust needed a good man at his side once again...I don't know that I can fathom the welcoming by the previous 14 Prophets of the Restoration, a scene that must have been to behold...
I can honestly say that I love this man and all he stood for...I marvel at the foresight and vision he has had to use and create the technologic advances and structures that are now so taken for granted in the body of the church...I don't think most folks realize the sweeping changes he has made over time using innovative ideas and being on the cutting edge of technology in so many areas...he moved the Church forward in a truly remarkable way...
But I'll miss his genuine love for all...I know it may seem trite, or cliched, but I always felt like he was kind of smiling at me when I watched him on TV...and I have said before on more than one occasion that if I could sit down with anyone for a private conversation, it would be Gordon Hinckley...just to talk and laugh...mostly laugh...he was a clever, witty man, and I don't think we got to see or hear nearly enough of that...I'll bet visiting with him was a real kick...
For many young people, he is the only Prophet and leader they have own son included...Geoff was too young to remember the great men who served during his toddler years, and the first Prophet and President that he really knew and understood about was President reminds me of when I was young and David O. McKay led the seemed he was always the Prophet...when he passed away, it was all new and different...not in a bad way...and I suppose that's what we will see now...except I see President Monson as a man who shares President Hinckley's vision for the Church, and while he will bring his own personality (which I have also always loved) and vision, I am also grateful for his good health, vigor, and will be exciting to see what his focus will be...
I loved President Hinckley as a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator...and as a man of God who was completely prepared to pass from this life.....our loss, but for a time...


Mrs. Doctor said...

Well said! I agree 100%. He truly was an incredible man.

MKB said...

I agree too! And he was so CUTE! Thanks for making me cry!

Granelda Thudpucker said...

You mean he wasn't smiling at me???

What a wonderful tribute!!!

Art said...

You certainly have captured the essence of the man. I too, felt touched by his passing as I came to enjoy not just his wit and wisdom but his fatherly way and genuine humor. As he said when he became President, he didn't realize that his "golden years would be so laced with lead." We are all some much better for his life's work and passion to do the right thing.

Thank you Gordon.