Saturday, August 18, 2007


Hey, with the dozens of things I need to post about, this is pretty low on the old skidooly (phonetic pronounciation for schedule)
ANYWAY! In preparing a package to send to Geoff, I needed to find out about Stride gum, as that is his preferred I found their website...and I was hooked!
I find it absolutely hilarious......and the entire style of the site appeals to me as terribly clever......when I clicked on the "Matt's Place" button, I was so delighted with the outtakes, I watched it several times....when I should have been gettting ready for work, check it out if you want a chuckle...or at least I hope you'll get a chuckle....take your time and enjoy the whole site...not a dog page in the bunch, in my opinion....

I want to dance around the world, too..........................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello updates! it's been over a month since i saw you last and patience isn't a virtue i hold!