Friday, January 18, 2008

More of the same...

I have decided that most of The Story of the Day stories are more enjoyable when you share them.......I hope this isn't like some sort of infringement deal.....cuz you could subscribe to Story People your ownself if you want to get them firsthand, every day.....otherwise, you'll see them here now and then.........kind of like this:

Story of the Day:
"What do you want? I said & she said, in the abstract or the concrete? & I decided to rephrase the question. I'm going to the store, I said. Need anything? & she frowned & said, Obviously, you meant concrete."

So, for future reference, if you ask me if I want something, or need something and I respond...."abstract or concrete?" you'll know how to answer.....which can be handy information to have, don't you think?