Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I have a dream....

"I had the weirdest dream last night..." Whenever I say that, Geoff puts his fingers in his ears and loudly sings LA LA LA. He won't even listen to me describe my dreams anymore because he says they are too long and boring...and besides........"It's a DREAM!"

So, close your ears Geoff, cuz I had the weirdest dream last night. My dreams are always clear and vivid and very realistic in a very surrealistic way. When the radio alarm went off this morning, I needed it turned OFF (not just snooze) so I could re-conjure the thing. Most of the time I can't remember details of my dreams, but today was total recall.

How weird is this? The whole dream took place in the 30's or 40's....I was young and had long hair..............aren't dreams supposed to be in real time??

Anyway...I won't tell you the whole lengthy, involved and highly interesting scenario excepy to say it ended while I was skinny dipping in a public pool with a George Lucas look-alike who was my cousin "not by blood, but by marriage." This is the weird part. I don't like the way George Lucas looks. Nothing personal. I think he's a nice enough man to just sit and chat with ...I just don't care for his looks. Weird, right?

There was much, much more that transpired prior to the actual swimming pool business but that was the part I wanted to remember after I woke up...

Clearly, the only logical interepretation of this dream: I NEED a pool...or a pond....a pool would be nice, for me....I think...

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