Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oh, my goodness!!!

It's Thursday........and it's ALLLLLL started..........I've fastened my seat belt, clicked my helmet strap, and am gripping the crash bar...............WISH ME LUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Change is hard...

That's all I'm sayin'.......change is hard....and the older you get, the less you like it.......So, Miss Five gave Judy's Parlor a sweeping face lift's pretty stunning and very beautiful, but it's change.....I'll get used to it, because it's so great.....which is a good thing.......if her blog changed this dramatically and I didn't like it..........well..........pfffft!
This month is full of change......major change............and sometimes that is harder than people think...........Just because it's a good change doesn't make it any less traumatic.......That's all I'm sayin'......